Saturday, October 22, 2016

Horse Archery!...

Traditional archery is something that has been of growing interest to me lately. I can't afford to start the hobby before we move, but I've been looking around on the Internet at what's out there. Its very encouraging. I have a good friend who owns one of Istvan Toth's Hungarian horse bows, that they purchased from Seven Meadows Archery, or one of its vendors. I look forward to when I can get a horsebow, and someday go along firing arrows at a full

Here's an absolutely stunning traditional Turkish horsebow made by Saluki Bows. Amazing work.

Kassai Lajos has been an instrumental figure in the resurgence of horse archery as an international sport. The Hungarian can put three arrows downrange at a target in six a full gallop! Its no wonder the Central Asian and Middle Eastern horsemen often tore up European forces. The photo below is of Istvan Toth, one of the premier makers of traditional bows, another Hungarian, who is associated with Seven Meadows.

Looking at these pictures, its easy to understand the attraction of horse archery as a sport. At least for me. Just brings to mind all sorts of associations. Need I mention LOTR and the Riders of Rohan. I also remember the stunning horsemanship of the (real!) Mongols in the ancient miniseries Marco Polo. Strangely enough, I've done extensive genealogy work for my family and if the old records are true I have VERY distant ancestors who were amongst the nomadic Magyars who settled the plains of Hungary. There are various events held here in the NW. I'm going to try and get to one before we move and check them out.

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